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Feed me up, Scotty!

RSS feeds for arbitrary websites, using CSS selectors. Feed me up, Scotty! is:

  • straightforward to set up.
  • runs on GitHub Actions, GitLab CI/CD, or wherever floats your boat.
  • uses an actual browser to fetch data.

Here's an example config:

title = "Wikipedia — did you know?"
url = ""
entrySelector = "#mp-dyk > ul li"
titleSelector = "b"
linkSelector = "b a"

title = "Wikivoyage recommendations"
url = ""
entrySelector = ".jcarousel-wrapper .jcarousel-item"
titleSelector = "h2"
linkSelector = "h2 a"

…which turns into funfacts.xml and wikivoyage.xml.

Learn more about the configuration file, or set up automatic feed generation using GitHub or GitLab.